Oh no.
It’s been such a while since I dusted off my blog here. There’s like 12 wordpress updates, 8 plugins updates, and 6 unmoderated comments. Some of them look like they are probably even real!
I almost got side-tracked into dealing with those things, but then… breathed in, breathed out, and forced myself to focus.
Today I want to write a little about my own personal goals here. My blog goals, my genealogy research goals, my life goals – those things.
Covid has been extremely difficult for me. I just suck so much more at reaching out to people and being social. I really, truly feel like a big fat failure.
This is, however, not true. This is the year I’ve cracked some of the hardest genealogy puzzles of my life (Henry Heine! Though I can’t take credit for that one, Leo Baca! Aaaaand sorry I’m only halfway through writing that part 2 post, too… ugh).
FamilySearch came to the rescue pretty deftly. Check out my genealogy contributions – quantified.
This year I’m the curator for CGSI’s brand new blog. I hope this will mostly mean that I get to talk to other people who want to write posts – that I won’t be the sole content producer.
But I am not stupid. I know it means I’ll be volunteering a lot of my free time to writing about Czech Genealogy.
Good thing this is something I truly care about.
This is something I love and I’m deeply passionate about. I also find deep satisfaction in it.
My goal for this year? Write. Every week? I hope so. But it might not be that often. Every month? I hope so. I don’t know.
The real way to get me to write is to make sure I’m researching. So my research goal? Take all my Czech lines back at least one generation. Yikes! That will be kind of difficult for some of them! But it will keep me moving.
I also have another resolution: to find all the villages of origin for my Czechs, including some of their more distant relations. For example, spouses of children of my ancestors. But we are all connected.
So yeah. Two goals:
- Take ’em back, take ’em back, waaaaaayyy back
- Solve all the Villages of Origin
I’m not delusional. I am pretty sure this goal is too lofty. But it is also really fun to have lofty, open-ended goals, so long as I feel satisfied when I don’t reach that bar. It’s kind of… how I function in life? I’m used to it, I guess? It doesn’t bother me when, at the end of the year, my goal isn’t fully attained. I can smile and know that I totally found Henry’s Heine and that was so satisfying that I wanted to share it with everyone (but that post just lies there, half written… ugh).
Anyway, I wish you the very best in your blogging, research, and all other endeavors. May 2021 be better than 2020.
The bar is pretty low, guys.