A request was made on the Czech Genealogy Facebook group for a some templates for Czech matriky records. Here is my work in progress, which you may freely use. It is not complete. I welcome any additions and corrections.
To add: anything from the 15th*-17th centuries, early 18th century, 20th century
*It is not common for matriky records to go back this far. But I have heard that they do in some places. Maybe you know where?
Mid 18th century before house numbering and matriky reforms of Josef II ca 1780
Example 1758 Frenštát
Late 18th century right after house numbering and matriky reforms of Josef II ca 1780
Example 1784 Klimkovice
Early 19th century printed form in German spanning two folios
Example 1813 Šumavské Hoštice
Mid 19th century printed form in Czech spanning two folios
Example 1864 Rakovník
Late 19th century printed form in Czech spanning two folios
Example 1883 Velké Opatovice
In your WIP, the middle page lower template, rightmost column (in red) says "Is the midwife examined or not" ("je-li bába zkoumaná", is she certified). Midwives were supposed to undergo training; of course that was often not the case.