The Iowa Genealogical Society is looking to hire a part-time Executive Director. The salary will be $20,000-25,000. The job description is as follows:
“This person will work with board members and current staff to implement the Strategic Plan developed in 2012. The plan is a good one, outlining committees and goals which would bring in more members and increase our other sources of revenues. But volunteers need to be recruited to fill those committees and direction needs to be given to the volunteers as they work to fundraise, do publicity, plan classes and programs, design our website, work in the library, maintain the building, etc.”
They would like to have the hiring process completed by March. You can find this information in the January 2014 IGS Newsletter.
After the recent Polar Vortex with its -46 degree Fahrenheit windchill at the beginning of this week, I don’t blame you for thinking long and hard before deciding to move to Iowa. But hey, I heard it was 17 degrees in HOUSTON. What!!!??? So, basically, every corner of the United States was really cold. At a certain point, you’re just inside anyway.
I am not sure how you would go about applying for this job. I assume you would contact the IGS Executive Board. Here’s the contact information I found.
(515) 276-0287
M, W, F, Sat
10 am-4 pm
T, Th
10 am-9 pm