As part of geneablogger’s Surname Saturday prompt, I have decided to start a series in which I post a little bit about each of my Czech ancestral surnames.
I decided to start with my 4th great grandmother, Kathařina Folta.
Folta is a fairly common surname in the Czech Republic today, as you can tell from the Czech surname density map at The most dense population of Folta’s is found in okres (district) Valašské Meziříčí. This town is currently located in the kraj (region) Zlín.
Kathařina Folta’s birth record shows that she was born in #2 Zabřeh (nad Odrou – the village that is very close to Vítkovice) on 12 Nov 1822 to Valentin Folta, bauer [farmer], and Maryanna daughter of Wenzeslaus Novak, bauer v. hier = farmer from here. Thank you Carl Linert!
Here is a zoomed version:
Here is how I am related to the Folta family:
Katherine Elizabeth Vasicek
Mark Edward Vasicek
Victor Frederick Vasicek
Elizabeth Agnes Michna
Anna Sumbera
Agnes Hruby
Katařina Folta
Are you a Folta? Are you Czech? Where are you or your Czech ancestors from?