I’m reposting what I wrote on the Czech Heritage Society Yahoo Group page, because I am truly stuck and need help finding out what to do next. I’m frustrated because I used to have high hopes that this would turn into a component in my BCG portfolio application, but it looks like it won’t be…
Author: Kate Challis
Augustin Haidusek Quoted in Czech Newspaper
I love living in the digital age. Did you know that not only can you access historic American newspapers online for free, but also historic Czech newspapers? The National Library of the Czech Republic has digitized many, many newspapers, most of which are OCR’d (aka searchable). I did a search for “Haidusek” – the family that…
Wordless Wednesday: Agnes Steffek
Follow Friday: Czech House Numbers
Today it is my great pleasure to have a guest post by Lukáš Svoboda. He has an excellent Czech genealogy blog called Kulanův rodopisný blog that anybody interested in Czech genealogy should look at. If you open the page in google chrome, you can right-click and select “translate to English” if you don’t speak Czech. He…
Valentin Haidusek and the founding of Dubina, Texas
I have been doing some research on the Valentin Haidusek family who immigrated from Mniší, Moravia. Specifically, I have been trying to find other Haiduseks that were related to Valentin Haidusek, who was one of the founders of Dubina in 1856. I love the story of Dubina’s founding. I have read several versions of it…
Wordless Wednesday: Elizabeth Agnes Michna (right) and Aloise Kubesh Kasparek (left)
Who is the father?
Here is an interesting death record! Transcription:Juliana, (secundum haproles ejus esl ex nem sup-tial demonstrant) dceraJana Špačka, domkáře vMiším a manželky jehoAnny rozené Jan Pustě-jovský, sedlák v Miším.matka od delší doby opu-stivší manžela žije v konku-binatí s Jiřím Kolibou, sedlá-kem v Miším, její umrtní lí-stek s povi v tím výše jmenovaného Špačke co otce dítěteuváděl…
Why did I renew my ancestry.com subscription?!
I love ancestry.com. It has many records that familysearch.org does not yet have. When it comes to Czech genealogy, it’s usually the passenger lists that I find the most useful, in particular their Hamburg Passenger Lists from 1850-1934. Their search algorithm and indexes are different – at least somewhat. This can be good and bad, but…
Church Record Sunday: Example of Baptism for Stillborn child in Czech Parish Records
Here is a church record with an example of a child who was baptized before they were born. Mariain uteromatris [deo?]nomine bap-tizata,mrtvorozená A translation would be: Maria Baptized in the name of God [?] [while] in the mother’s womb. Stillborn.
Jewish birth records in Mniší 1839-1856
There have been Jews in the Czech lands for millenia. Unfortunately, throughout those millenia, they have been persecuted to various extents by those who ruled the land. This subject is fascinating and could (and has) fill up volumes of books. It isn’t what I’m posting about today. From the 17th century forward, when the Catholics…