I love ancestry.com. It has many records that familysearch.org does not yet have. When it comes to Czech genealogy, it’s usually the passenger lists that I find the most useful, in particular their Hamburg Passenger Lists from 1850-1934. Their search algorithm and indexes are different – at least somewhat. This can be good and bad, but in general, having more options is good. I enjoy hooking up with cousins who are not on familysearch but are on ancestry. We had my husband’s grandpa take a DNA test and found the turnaround time to be extremely quick, and the results interesting. The images are good. You can save them directly to your computer. Basically – I really like Ancestry. It is great.
The biggest news from RootsTech 2014 was that soon (when!?) members of the LDS church will have free access to Ancestry, FindMyPast, and MyHeritage. This is huge, huge news. I’m excited.
So, I guess I just forked out $300 for a couple months? I wonder how this is going to be put into motion. I wonder how long it will take. I’m really excited about it!
I imagine the LDS church paid a LOT of money to make this happen.