The purpose of the prayer is to teach people to not pray ostentatiously, or for public show, but instead to submit yourself to God’s will.
Our cFather which art in heaven, dHallowed be thy ename. 10 Thy akingdom come. Thy bwill be done cin earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily abread. 12 And forgive us our adebts, as we bforgive our debtors. 13 aAndblead us not into ctemptation, dbut deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and theeglory, for ever. Amen.
When Protestant reformers started to translate the King James Version of the Bible, they thought the Greek manuscript (one of the manuscripts? It would be so interesting to learn more about how the translation of the KJV Bible came to be) they were using as a source was of ancient origin. So they added the phrase found within: “For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever,” at the end. Later, scholars determined that the Greek manuscript they used was actually based on Easter liturgical tradition, and that this phrase was actually a doxology (a solemn final statement/poem/prayer at the end of something that boasts of the glory of God).
I really love these videos, but it does make me laugh a little, knowing that Christ probably did not actually say this. But then again, of course he didn’t say any of it in English, so…
‚Náš Otče v nebesích, ať je posvěceno*+ tvé jméno.+10 Ať přijde tvé království.+ Ať se stane tvá vůle,+ jako v nebi, tak i na zemi.+Ať přijde tvé království.+ Ať se stane tvá vůle,+ jako v nebi, tak i na zemi.+11 Dej nám dnes náš chléb na tento den;+Dej nám dnes náš chléb na tento den;+12 a odpusť* nám naše dluhy, jako i my jsme odpustili svým dlužníkům.+a odpusť* nám naše dluhy, jako i my jsme odpustili svým dlužníkům.+13 A neuveď nás do pokušení,+ ale osvoboď*nás od toho ničemného.‘*+A neuveď nás do pokušení,+ ale osvoboď*nás od toho ničemného.‘*+
Otče náš, kterýž jsi v nebesích, posvěť se jméno tvé.10. Přiď království tvé. Buď vůle tvá jako v nebi tak i na zemi.11. Chléb náš vezdejší dej nám dnes.12. A odpusť nám viny naše, jakož i my odpouštíme vinníkům našim.13. I neuvoď nás v pokušení, ale zbav nás od zlého. Nebo tvé jest království, i moc, i sláva, na věky, Amen.
Some Protestants sometimes accuse Catholics of not being “literally” faithful to Sacred Scripture and depending too much on tradition. In this case, we see that the Catholic Church has been faithful to the Gospel text of the Our Father, while Protestant Churches have added something of tradition to the word of Jesus.
Mormons have zero problem whatsoever with adding scripture (we call it revelation). In fact, technically, we do this every six months during General Conference (which just happened, and anyone can read or watch it in many languages, including Česky, English, etc. We stream it live at home, which makes these twice a year conferences our favorite Sundays of the year: church in pajamas.) This made it really difficult for me to understand why saying the doxology could possibly have been a “big deal” or a problem.
But it totally was. In fact, it got protestant Czechs in a major amount of trouble in the past, and branded as heretics. I am not sure what the implications were for them by the 18th Century, but I imagine it was not good. Maybe someday I will be able to read this book, “The Life and Faith of Czech and Moravian Protestants,” and finally understand.